Change, Pivot, Morph
Has it really been June since I wrote the last blog entry?! Wow, where has the year gone?
The word dejour for change in 2020 was "pivot". It quickly became the most overused word of the last 2 years. I got so sick of hearing it, I adapted the word "morphed".
This is the first time in the 5 years I've lived in North Carolina, I'm not knee-deep in Thanksgiving orders and/or holiday planning. It seems surreal to not be in the midst of sourcing elusive inflation-affected ingredients like pecans, butter, eggs, and all the ingredients for my infamous Bourbon Chocolate Chip Pecan Pie or stressing over shipping deadlines.
My "morph" since the pandemic has firmly rooted me in providing corporations DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) training through baking experiences, private virtual or on-site baking experience (no DEI focus) for corporations/private groups, speaking engagements, and continuing education workshops. This change has also allowed me to have more time with my family and relieved the stress that naturally comes with production-level baking. I actually find it therapeutic to bake small batches to test new recipes or for video projects.
You only get one family -- take care of your business and be intentional with your time. Work/life balance is a daily process, but it will help keep the "should've , could've, would've"'s at bay.