A departure from the norm
Today I have something so heavy on my heart that I feel like I would be an injustice not to share it. If you prefer to skip to the end and hear about the upcoming holidays and French macaron baking experience for kids, then go ahead and scroll to the last 2 paragraphs.
Yesterday the unthinkable happened. My friend and I were preparing to go to the gym when she starting vomiting, pain in her chest and arm. Long story short, we rushed to the emergency room and I waited in my car (COVID restrictions) to see what the diagnosis would be. I was fully expecting them to say "it's xyz" and send her home with orders to rest. Instead the security guard came rushing out at the same I was getting out of my car and said, "It's a good thing you got her here when you did, she's having a heart attack!" The rest was a well-coordinated flurry of activity with a lot of information to retain.
They had to transfer her to a hospital with cardiovascular care. The most gut-wrenching moment was when her ambulance passed me with their lights and sirens on. Just knowing that my friend was in the back and time was of the essence brought me to uncontrollable tears. It made me wonder how often do ambulances pass us and we don't give thought to the person in the back or we bristle at the inconvenience of missing the light because they are trying weave their way through cars that don't grasp the concept to move off the road.
It also made me thank God for the unusual string of events that caused me to be available for my friend in her time of dire need. I had stopped by to visit her late in the week to share a test batch of cake pops. I was already walking away thinking she wasn't home when she finally answered the door. As she was enjoying the cake pops she asked if she could join me at the gym on Saturday. I said "absolutely!" I had been trying to get her to come with me for months. So if this gym date wouldn't have been set, us being in the same place at the right time never would have happened. What if she had her heart attack alone and unable to call for help or driving back home after she went to get her daily Starbuck's -- right before the symptoms started. I contemplated calling an ambulance, but she said "no" and we were literally 5-6 minutes from the closest hospital. I placed my hand on her back and prayed for her the entire ride.
Today when I went to visit her, we talked about what happened on Saturday. There were so many pieces that she didn't even remember. We found laughter over the entire gym fiasco and I wrote on the board in her hospital room under the Things About Me Section; "I'll do anything to get out of going to the gym!" Even though I knew she was going to be okay, I still cried a lot yesterday. But at the same time, I was so deeply thankful God orchestrated the events in the manner that he did so I could be there for my friend. She's getting the care she needs, a ton of people that have never even met her are praying for her, and her prognosis looks a lot brighter than it did yesterday.
So what's the moral of my story?! Tomorrow is not promised. Your life can change in an instant with no signs, symptoms or warnings. Make time for and peace with those you claim to love. And the next time you see any ambulance barreling past you, stop and whisper a prayer for the person inside. Because in many cases, they and their families have just entered into what could be the worst day of their lives.
On the dessert side -- parents have spoken and expressed interest in a French macaron baking experiences for tweens/teens! So I'll get something on the website this week. I am open to suggestions on weekdays and weekend days and times that work best for that age group.
Thanksgiving -- Tomorrow is November 1 is the "guaranteed" order by date. November 16 is the "subject to availability" which simply means if you wait a week before to place your order we may already be booked up and close ordering earlier.
I don't extend deadlines as it jeopardizes the production schedule for those that ordered on time. Please place your Thanksgiving order sooner than later so you don't get left out.
Be sure to check out the pictures from the Halloween Spook-tecular Family Fun experience!