Thanksgiving Tik Tok, tick tock, Tik Tok
Well thank God this weekend (so far) is buzzing by with no emergency room visits!
Are you in disbelief too that the calendar already says "November"? AND now for 2 days in a row, ear muffs have been a required accessory! I'm not sure what to say, but the harsh reality is fall is here and for us now thin-blooded Southerners...it's cold!
That means Thanksgiving, holidays, and Christmas are merely around the corner. I wish I could say I will send out countless reminders to place your orders, but I don't like flooding inboxes and trying to come up with 20 new ways to say "Order Now or you'll miss out!", I just don't have that level of creativity. If you aren't ready to order now, I'd suggest putting a reminder on your calendar to do it before 11/16. However, that deadline date comes with a warning so read on.
Just as I predicted all the corporate clients I've been building a rapport with over the last 4-9 months are now ready to book their private virtual baking experiences for the holidays. Can you blame them?! What better way to end the year with a fun, interactive, immersive experience learning how to make a decadent dessert! To say my days have been filled with a lot of recipe testing, Zoom meetings, phone calls, and coordinating details would be an understatement. I can't wait to share the name of some of the companies that are currently in my line-up -- household names is putting it mildly.
A few other major things that have graced my to-do list is Tik Tok. I was holding out and resisting the wave, but the platform holds some distinct advantages to sell to an even larger audience. You can find me on Tik Tok under http://www.tiktok.com/@beyonddecadence . I only have a few videos out there right now, but more are coming.
The other MAJOR item I'm working on (in my imaginary free time) is testing a zero-sugar sweetener. It doesn't effect the glycemic index which is a HUGE win for diabetics or anyone sensitive to sugar! My first test was with my infamous Lemon Bars and to say that was an epic fail would be putting it mildly. The normally gooey sticky filling became a bit rubbery and the bars lost a lot of the lemon zing. My next test will be with mini cheesecakes. I've heard from the supplier and other users of the product that cheesecake does extremely well, so I'll keep everyone posted. I do NOT intend to develop an entire zero-sugar dessert line. That would take ions of testing that I simply don't have time for. However, I would like to develop at least 2 items that will allow those with sugar sensitivity to have a delicious option.
Oh wow, I almost forget -- there's a new calendar app on the website that will make it easier to pick the date for your baking experiences! Also, I introduced baking experiences for adults and kids (tweens/teens).
Please order your Thanksgiving desserts if you plan to now. As my calendar fills up with baking experiences, the available quantity of desserts and/or the ordering window could definitely close before 11/16.
Happy fall y'all!🍂🍁❄️☃️🎄