"Do you want to build a snowman?!"
Oh, I know I should have used a picture of a luscious Christmasy-looking dessert, but the little snowman was too adorable to ignore! And I'm channeling that song from Frozen!
First of all, I want to say a big "THANK YOU!!!" to all my fabulous clients who choose to have Beyond Decadence desserts grace their Thanksgiving tables AND Todd of Pita Pit for allowing me to load up his refrigerator for order pickups! This was the first year (of 5 holiday seasons), I pushed the dessert pickup date a day earlier than normal. Why?! Because I wanted to "recover" and drive 4.5 hours to Atlanta to spend the holiday with my daughter and cousins. I decided to take on less orders this year than normal, so I wouldn't be utterly exhausted and my body racked with pain to make the long journey down I-85.
As I walked through my friend's heart attack, it brought a new "awareness" of the fragility of life and how things can change without warning, wake-up calls, or flashing red lights. So when my daughter wasn't able to come to me for the holiday, my decision to go to her became a no-brainer.
And I did the unthinkable....
I left my laptop at home! I cleaned up all my email from my phone, but didn't even turn on my laptop until tonight for the first time since last Monday or Tuesday! I sat on my daughter's balcony in the crisp Georgia air and felt the stress melt away with every stroke of petting my grand-fur baby, Fluffy. I even completely forgot to schedule all my Christmas desserts to display on 11/26! Oh well, I didn't have any Black Friday deals anyway, so in the big scheme of things fixing it all tonight was really fine.
I have some exciting new and familiar desserts on the Christmas menu! I also lifted the restriction on the states I will ship to since the weather is finally getting colder. If I've missed one of your favorites on the menu, drop me an email and I'll see if I can make the magic happen for you. However, please be aware there is a $30 order minimum (in general) and to checkout on the website.
The ordering deadlines are on the Shipping/Pickup/Delivery page. I have several corporate private virtual baking experiences on my calendar, so please heed the ordering deadlines.
Let it go, let it go....oh sorry, that's the other song from Frozen...